When The Canadian Tube Fly Company began in 2003, we chose to specialize in salmon and steelhead patterns because very often in our travels we had too often come across places where high quality flies were hard to come by, especially during the peak seasons. Making sure that fishermen were well prepared for their next fishing tour was a must!We actually began selling flies, first locally (since 1988), then on the Internet in 1997 (ADIPOS FLYTYING). We are proud to have many regular and repeat customers.The Canadian Tube Fly Company was introduced as a separate site (from ADIPOS FLYTYING because of a great void we noticed in the industry. Though tube flies had been used for years in Europe, they were still (and in some ways continue to be) a rather new concept to fly tiers in North America. We worked hard (and continue to) at taking the traditional style of tube flies and redevelop both standard patterns, as well as created brand new flies, that are specifically made for steelhead and salmon along the west coast of North America. We offered these flies for sale, tying each order as they came in and offering all of the over 135 patterns on several different types of tubes.
In 2009, we began to go into a new direction. Fly sales were going fantastically well. In fact we had a tough time filling orders with the local tyers we employed. At the same time, we had a growing demand to offer tube tying materials that we used in our own fly production. For 4 years we balanced a company that sold custom tied tube flies as well as an ever growing range of both tube fly tying products and traditional (fur and feather) items. Soon sales for supplies were much greater than sales for custom tubes.We had a decision to make as a company. Either we had to stop offering custom tied flies to fishermen or "shop out" our tying from local, well paid commercial tiers, to overseas shops that used questionable labour practices and treatment of tyers and often created flies of poor quality. We chose to focus all of our efforts into supplying tiers with the materials they need to produce their own tubes and to work. We also chose to concentrate our time on creating material (videos and articles) to help new and experienced tube tiers with their own projects. We have also left up all of our original pictures of the over 135 patterns we used to sell.
Now, today! Because of huge demand, and because of many personal requests, we are now offering a Limited Series run of tubes! These will be seasonal and will only be available when the tied flies are in stock.We know that these tubes are not inexpensive. They are hand tied by members of our Pro Staff in Canada! They are the same flies many of our Pro Staffers use on their limited days on the river. They are so well built that we often only use one two or three flies in a full day of fishing. They are not the old traditional favourites. They are patterns that are innovative and incorporate the latest material and techniques that we are using on our own ties.We encourage you to take a closer look at our site. Whether you are a beginner, an avid fly fisherman, or even if you are also a fly tyer, there is something for everyone on this site!